Versatile Voice-Over Pro

WarmBelievable Humorous • Character


Kitty's been doing voices and characters since she was little (read: amusing her siblings). Now that she's all grown up, she's channeled that into covering your voice-over needs. Here are some of the terms used to describe her vocal talents: Warm & Caring  Believable  Über Professional brand ambassador  Smoky & Saucy  Hilarious  Wry. And she can break out any of these, and more, to give voice to everything from autos to your favorite chocolate (actually, she calls it her "Chocolate" voice). Oh, and producers say she takes direction well.

And then there's the handy duality of her experience. Working on one side of the studio glass Kitty has been the exec behind the marketing you have heard and seen, and on the other side as the artist. This means she has an intuitive understanding of your brand's essence and voice, and the ways you need to speak to the different segments of your target to effect consideration and conversion. See? Marketing buzz words! Other important words: professional, prompt, well-behaved ...


Reach out today   •  773.844.1111